Award Categories
Over twenty categories to choose from
Newcomer of the Year
Support Person of the Year
Sales Agent of the Year
Customer Service Agent of the Year
Team Leader/Supervisor of the Year
Trainer/Coach of the Year
Support Manager of the Year
Contact Centre Manager of the Year
Hero of the Year
People Development
Support Team of the Year
Frontline Team of the Year
Best Customer Engagement
Best People Engagement
- Special initiatives to promote employee engagement
- Health and wellbeing practices
- Evidence should include photographs, KPIs on performance improvement through engagement, plus sickness and retention rates.
Best Transformation Programme
- The objectives behind the transformation
- How the transformation was planned, implemented and monitored
- Effective use of internal communication channels to inform staff about the transformation programme and its aims
- The positive impact on customers, staff and operational/business performance
- Overall results and how the transformation fits into the long-term future strategy of the business.
Diversity & Inclusion
Mental Health & Wellbeing Award
This award celebrates employers who commit to the health and wellbeing of their workforce, which is a fundamental driver of individual and organisational performance.
Award criteria
Organisations nominated for this award will be judged against criteria informed by the healthy workplace quality standards of the National Institute for Health and Social Care Excellence (NICE):
Criteria 1. Making health and wellbeing an organisational priority
Examples of best practice in this criteria include:
- Organisations have a named senior manager who makes employee health and wellbeing a core priority.
- Organisations have a health and wellbeing strategy and/or objectives.
- Organisations incorporate health and wellbeing in relevant policies and communications.
- Organisations have a named health and wellbeing lead and/or steering group who design and implement a health and wellbeing strategy or initiatives.
Criteria 2. Supporting and empowering line managers
Examples of best practice in this criteria include:
- Employees are managed by people who are given appropriate education and training to recognise and support them when they experience health and wellbeing problems. Support from managers can take many forms, including the ability to direct employees to available resources and other personnel.
Criteria 3. Involving employees
Examples of best practice in this criteria include:
- Organisations engage their employees to identify their health and wellbeing needs, stressors and priorities.
- Employees have the opportunity to participate in health and wellbeing decision making processes.
Criteria 4. Making positive change happen
Examples of best practice in this criteria include:
- Organisations adopting and implementing health and wellbeing initiatives that their employees engage with and benefit from.
Best Recruitment Retention Strategy
Best Training Programme
Best Hybrid Working Programme
Contact Centre of the Year OUTSOURCED
- Demonstrate your understanding of your client’s aims and objectives and how you’ve worked together to fulfil these successfully.
- Provide two examples of how you’ve helped them through the effective and professional delivery of a range of services.
- How have you implemented two-way communication channels between the outsourcing front line and client decision makers.
- Provide evidence of effective integration, investment in client relationship and transparency.
Contact Centre of the Year IN-HOUSE
- How you are an employer of choice? The entry should outline your recruitment strategies, what makes you an employer of choice, your commitment to training and development and how you provide a great physical environment to work in.
- How does your centre underpin the running of the overall business?Please include evidence of how the centre contributes to the wider business, how the centre delivers world class service to its customers and what makes the centre an extraordinary place to work in.